We work with business leaders and their executive teams to drive organisational success.
Our emphasis is on aligning business challenges with leadership effort.
We focus on the importance of executive team performance, leaders adding-value, and leaders relationship to innovation.
Explore this site to find out more…
The consulting relationship
How it works; your organisation; your challenges
Becoming a leadership team
The impact of a top team; what makes a leadership team unique; what needs focus
Leaders adding-value
Adding or eroding value? Leaders in the zone; smart, inspiring, stable
Disrupting, innovating, stabilising
Strategic & operational leaders; innovation is not an add-on; yet customers demand stability; bringing it all together
Splice Articles
8. Coaching Senior Leaders
Why coaches can struggle at senior levels
Coaching a senior executive is not the same as coaching a team or middle level leader. Senior people live in different worlds to everyone else. It’s the context, and the impact of that context… more

7. Becoming a 90% leader
Being less busy and more effective
Busyness is the bane of a leader’s life. Some like the prestige it offers, others collapse under its weight, but the impact on those being led is always bad… more

6. The Leader Furnace
Why some leaders turn out better than others
It’s too simplistic to ask if leaders are born or made. Clearly it’s a bit of both. Some people have a tendency to leadership in childhood… more

5. Would I be led by YOU?
Yes YOU with the big office…
Who decides whether Jacinta is a good leader? It may come as a surprise, but it’s not Jacinta. Rather it’s the people Jacinta leads and influences… more

4. The Strategic Leader
Stepping up while facing in!
Leaders of leaders must be strategic and operational. Strategy is about the future, operations the present. Effective leaders do both with ease… more

3. The Power of the Executive Team
Let’s cut the sporting analogies
Team-building exercises are “great” for first line leaders and their teams!! The work in these teams is tangible, operational, and measurable… more

2. Adult-Only Executive Teams
Delayed adolescents need not apply
Too often executive teams are dysfunctional. And when this occurs, everyone knows it. Team members; the board; employees!… more

1. What’s the big deal about Senior Leaders?
Snakes & ladders
Leaders are like weightlifters. Go to a gym, and you’ll notice some people lifting more than others. In organisations, senior leaders should… more